Welcome to our LECMgt blog site, which we will routinely update with new industry-related stories thought to be of interest and importance to you. Our objective is to expand your knowledge and awareness of best practices in wargaming exercises, threat assessment and emergency planning.
Improving Your Cyber Case Management IT professionals have a wealth of knowledge about the cyber world. What happens when a data breach or business email compromise cripples their organization? They are now in the middle of a complex cyber investigation. IT crisis managers must manage the investigation, cover secondary security issues, and document the incident.…
Fall 2018 From Michigan to Virginia This October LECMgt will be traveling across the US for presentations at two professional conferences. October 19-20, Dr. Roger Mason will be speaking at the annual meeting of the International Association of Emergency Managers in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The IAEM is the largest emergency management association in the world…
Imitation Gaming: Wargaming and Artificial Life by Roger Mason PhD Introduction In 1950 the British mathematician Allan Turing proposed a test to evaluate a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior. This research led to the development of artificial intelligence which is the study of an artificial entity’s ability to perform tasks usually associated with humans.…
Designing Cyber Wargames Roger Mason PhD Modern conflict is standing at the horizon of information based warfare. For the foreseeable future, kinetic weapons will retain importance, but the control and manipulation of information will become pre-eminent. How can we design wargames for something that often seems as vague as cyberspace or the Internet? We…
Managing a Cyber-Crisis Incident: Six Operational Realities Roger Mason PhD Introduction Recently, I helped design my first cyber tabletop. My design partners handled the technical aspects while I focused on the overall design. The exercise participants were divided into four groups. Three groups were assigned a technical problem simulating a potential data breach. The…
LECMgt is always busy with simulations and exercises for clients around the world. People often ask if we design commercial board games. The answer is we occasionally design commercial games. Last year Roger Mason’s granddaughter Emma called to talk about her latest history project. She was studying the fashion designer Coco Chanel. She asked her…
by Roger Mason Introduction Summer will be here soon. Individuals, families, professionals, students, and academics will be traveling around the world. International travel has never been easier. One of the best parts of my job is traveling. I have been to some incredible places and met some very interesting people. As tempting as travel…
Roger Mason, PhD In the aftermath of recent school shootings, people routinely ask if their school is safe. Administrators face the question whether they have done enough to ensure safety on their campuses. But how do you determine if you have done enough? How do you know if your plans will work and if your…