Welcome to our LECMgt blog site, which we will routinely update with new industry-related stories thought to be of interest and importance to you. Our objective is to expand your knowledge and awareness of best practices in wargaming exercises, threat assessment and emergency planning.

University of Hawaii at Manoa Holds Hurricane Exercise

This year LECMgt has completed an evaluation of the UH Manoa’s emergency exercise program. The campus is developing a multiyear exercise program. LECMgt has been contracted to design three exercises for the first year of the program. Hurricanes are always a possible threat to the Hawaiian Islands so the first exercise involved hurricane management. The…

Creating a Campus Police Advisory Board Part 2

Creating A Campus Police Advisory Board Part II: Developing the Function and Role of the Advisory Board Roger Mason Ph.D. Note: This article is a follow up to the first article titled Creating a Campus Police Advisory Board. Introduction: Once a campus has established their campus police/public safety advisory board the next step is developing…

Roger Mason Reports on Georgetown Conference

While none of the PAXsims editors were able to attend the recent International Conference on Exercises, Games, and Simulations for Intelligence and National Security held at Georgetown University on 24-25 March, Roger Mason provided a short report on the day. See here: https://paxsims.wordpress.com

Creating a Campus Police Advisory Board

The history of individuals organized into a group to advise local police departments is long and interesting. Some of the earliest attempts at involving persons outside police departments in decision and review activities came from major police departments in cities in the northeastern United States. Today many municipal and campus law enforcement agencies have some…

Arming Your Department: 8 Building Blocks

Arming Your Department: 8 Building BlocksRoger Mason PhD Authors Note: The subject of arming a campus public safety or security department was discussed at the 2014 IACLEA conference. Chiefs David Tedjeske and Larry Eakins provided invaluable training for the attendees. The question of what needs to be done once the policy decision has been reached…

Special Access /Functional Needs Students And College Safety

Special Access /Functional Needs Students and College Safety Dr. Roger Mason and Joseph Zelenis Joseph Zelenis is LECMgt’s special access and functional needs (SAFN) advisor. Joe is very interested in helping the disabled with the topic of emergency preparedness. For the past 27 years Joe has been a volunteer with the Los Angeles Police Department…

LEC Management opens new offices

LEC Management is excited to announce the opening of our new offices in Porter Ranch at 11145 Tampa Ave, Suite 24A. In our new space we will be able to better facilitate our growing client list and their needs. The space offers ample room for development and testing of new simulations, as well as ample…