Welcome to our LECMgt blog site, which we will routinely update with new industry-related stories thought to be of interest and importance to you. Our objective is to expand your knowledge and awareness of best practices in wargaming exercises, threat assessment and emergency planning.

Notes from the Noteworthy: Rex Brynen and PAXsims

Notes from the Noteworthy: Rex Brynen and PAXsims In 2010, Professor Rex Brynen of McGill University founded PAXsims. PAXsims is a blog site devoted to peace, conflict, humanitarian, and development simulations and serious games for education, training, and policy analysis. Rex founded his blog site to share information and network with other academics and simulation…

Roger Mason’s “Notes from the Noteworthy”

Roger Mason’s “Notes from the Noteworthy” In the past fourteen years, my career with LECMgt has taken me around the world. One of the greatest privileges is meeting some of the most interesting and influential people in a variety of disciplines. I will be sharing some of my conversations with experts in wargames, simulations, cyber…

Coordinating Your EOP with Jurisdiction Partners

Coordinating Your EOP with Jurisdiction Partners by Roger Mason PhD Introduction Emergency operations plans (EOPs) are some of the most essential planning documents a city must develop. Many cities focus on their internal operations and planning priorities, but overlook the bigger issue of how they will operate during a regional disaster. The jurisdictions that surround…

Before You Start Your Emergency Plan Update: Conduct a Risk Assessment

Before You Start Your Emergency Plan Update: Conduct a Risk Assessment by Roger Mason PhD Introduction Government agencies, especially public safety departments, have limited downtime for planning. When your department is working overtime to meet daily operational demands, it is hard to think about updating any plans. Responsible leaders know they need to have current…

Notes to the Pastor: Practical Advice on Handling Emergencies

Notes to the Pastor: Practical Advice on Handling Emergencies by Roger Mason PhD Introduction This article is about pastors dealing with emergencies. It is not intended for veteran pastors and ministers with years of experience. My background is training first responders. During emergencies, pastors sometimes function as a special type of first responder. They care…

Cyber Exercise Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Help Us Design Our Cyber Exercise? Six Frequently Asked Questions by Roger Mason PhD For many years, exercises and wargames have been an essential tool for decision makers and strategists. Exercises and wargames are employed by governments, military services, and corporations to explore and solve critical issues. No issue is more critical than…

Hawaii State Sheriff Graduation 2019

Hawaii State Sheriff Graduation 2019 Dr. Roger Mason was the keynote speaker at the 2019 graduation of the Hawaii State Sheriffs Department. The graduation was held at the Hawaii Okinawa center in Waiphu, Hawaii. Roger started the week by visiting the Hawaii Department of Public Safety Training Academy on Oahu. Deputy Sheriff recruits receive six…

LECMgt 2018 – Year In Review

LECMgt 2018 Every year with LECMgt seems to move faster than the year before. 2018 was no exception. Here are some of the highlights. Where we have been and what we have done. Black Lantern Security LECMgt signed an agreement to work with Black Lantern Security. Black Lantern Security (BLS) is one of the premier…