Welcome to our LECMgt blog site, which we will routinely update with new industry-related stories thought to be of interest and importance to you. Our objective is to expand your knowledge and awareness of best practices in wargaming exercises, threat assessment and emergency planning.
Recently a friend who is a campus safety director was relating their ongoing struggle to convince administrators his department needs to become a full service public safety department. I asked what the obstacle was. They said, “It’s always the same argument. “What is wrong with calling the local police department? It’s always been good enough…
Introduction Emergency planning is a critical task for every higher education institution. Typically the campus emergency management coordinator and public safety department work closely together developing the plan. One of the most important emergency assets on any campus is the facilities department. Incorporating facilities operations is often an afterthought. This can be a serious oversight…
Is It Safe To Travel? Traveling as part of a higher educational or research opportunity can be one of the most rewarding experiences for students and faculty. With the current dangers of international terrorism each trip must be considered based on the advice of experts from the State Department and Department of Homeland Security. They…
Note: This article describes possible warning signs indicating someone maybe involved in dangerous activities. These activities range from manufacturing drugs to making improvised explosives. Each college and university has internal and external regulations governing when they can enter a residence hall space. This article supposes you or your staff are in a dorm room and…
Planning Your Next Table Top Exercise Dr. Roger Mason – LECMgt Table top exercises can be a cost effective tool to improve disaster, security, and emergency management skills. Table top exercises can provide a realistic training format where participants can make real world decisions in a consequence free environment. There are four things which should…
Dr Roger Mason has been invited to address the 2016 International Competitive Intelligence Conference in Bad Nauheim, Germany April 19-22. The conference is being sponsored by the Institute for Competitive Intelligence. Dr. Mason will be speaking on the use of war gaming for competitive intelligence. http://conference.competitive-intelligence.com/agenda.shtml
Dr. Roger Mason was a presenter at the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) European Summit November 2-4 in Madrid, Spain. The conference attendees included intelligence professionals from corporations across Europe. The theme of the conference was Game Changers. Dr. Mason’s topic was the use of war games to determine possible courses of action (COA)…
Dr. Roger Mason was a guest of the Center for Intelligence Services and Democratic Systems (SISD) at Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Mason was invited to present a seminar on war gaming and intelligence analysis by Dr. Ruben Arcos who is the Deputy Director of the Center. SISD offers a master’s degree program…