Dr. Roger Mason was a speaker at the 2016 UK Connections war gaming conference at King’s College, London. The conference attracts some of the top experts on war gaming world wide. Dr. Mason was asked to present a report on the use of war gaming by th
e world wide intelligence community. Other speakers included Dr. Stacie Pettijohn of RAND Corporation and Dr. Stephen Downes-Martin of the US Naval War College. The conference was hosted by King’s College Department of War Studies which provides undergraduate and masters education in global conflict, security, and governance. The conference was organized by Dr. Phil Sabin of Kings College and Graham Longely-Brown of LBS Consultants UK. Click here for Dr. Longley-Brown’s brief explanation of Wargaming.
Click here for the link to the actual conference page where you may click on links by the speakers name to access Dr. Mason’s slide presentation, visual and audio.